What does “HYPS” mean?

The name of the blog means “Hypno-Systemics” or also “Hypnotic Storytelling”. The term “Hypno-Systemics as well as “Hypno-Systemic Therapy”… or Hypno-Systemic Coaching, Consultation, etc., refers to a combined approach of Systemic Therapy and Coaching (i.e., all the methods which originate from family therapy) and Hypnotherapy (mainly in the tradition of the American therapy pioneer Milton Erickson). The term “Hypno-Systemics” has been introduced by a German trainer called Gunther Schmidt who is one of my teachers and who uses Systemic principles (like those of Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg) as well as Erickson’s hypnotherapeutic techniques.  This type of consultation can be applied with families, teams and single people in relatively “awake” states, i.e. without explicit rituals of trance induction. My working style is called “narrative hypnosystemics” because it’s working a lot with stories, metaphors, inner films and so on. But mostly I call it “Therapeutic Storytelling” because for me most of what I hear, say and do in consultation is “a story” or “a game”.

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