The Balloon

A therapeutic story by Katharina Lamprecht, with whom, along with our Swiss friends Adrian Hürzeler and Martin Niedermann, I have written the book “Wie das Krokodil zum Fliegen kam” (How the crocodile learned to fly)…

No one in the community knew, when exactly the festivity would take place. But that it would happen, everyone was sure of it.

When the day came, they all gathered at the meadow near the village. So many people. Not only from the village but also wanderer, passing by accidentally, stopped and many shared the moment. In the middle of the meadow was a booth where everyone could choose and take a balloon filled with helium. There were red, green, blue, yellow and purple ones. Some had faces on them, some stripes or dots. It was all very colorful.

One after the other the people let go of their balloons. And up they rose into the blue-grey sky. And what a beautiful sight it was. At the beginning they all stayed together, a colorful bunch of balloons, like grapes on a grapevine. But after a while, some of them got loose, they peeled away and began their very own journey.

And one of them, I don´t recall whether it was the red one or the green one or perhaps the one with the little dots, this one made its way calmly and silently to a place where the others didn´t go and he got lost in the vastness of the sky, to fly far far away. Perhaps even to the stars.

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