Călătoria vulturului

I am happy to present another story in Romanian, taken from the Romanian translation of my “Handbook of Therapeutic Storytelling”

source: https://pixabay.com/de/photos/adler-vogel-fliegend-flug-339128/ (27.2.2023)

Imaginează‑ți că ești un vultur și că zbori peste Alpi. Zbori spre miazăzi, acolo unde, departe, dincolo de impunătoarele lanțuri muntoase, se află țara pe care oamenii o numesc Italia.
Acolo unde te afli acum, vârfurile sunt înalte, iar văile adânci.
Aerul este turbulent, are loc o furtună, poți vedea fulgere și rafalele puternice te obligă să bați tare din aripi. Să planezi și să te lași dus de curent nu te ajută aici; trebuie să dai cu putere din aripi pentru a zbura peste pasul Bernina. Dincolo de acesta, munții devin treptat mai joși, iar vremea este și ea mai liniștită și mai prietenoasă. Pe măsură ce zbori mai departe, peisajul se transformă din ce în ce mai mult într‑unul de deal. La sfârșit,
devine plăcut și aproape plat. Ajungi la mare. Valurile sale sunt calme și netede, marea se întinde înaintea ta precum o mare oglindă. Zbori spre marea deschisă. Zbori mult timp spre răsărit, apoi din nou spre miazăzi, până ajungi din nou pe uscat. Zona Peninsulei Sinai este pustie. Zbori în continuare spre răsărit și, în sfârșit, vezi în stânga ta o suprafață întinsă și netedă, liniștită și complet lipsită de valuri. Aceasta este Marea Moartă. Zbori într‑acolo, pentru că în spatele ei vezi o oază. Iordanul este un râu mic, încadrat de copaci și tufișuri verzi. Te așezi pe malul său și guști din apa sa. Dacă dorești, te poți așeza pe o creangă
umbrită. Uită‑te împrejur. Te afli în cel mai de jos loc din lume.
Oglinda calmă și netedă a acestui lac se găsește la patru sute de metri sub nivelul mării. Bucură‑te de liniște pe creanga ta, iar când zbori înapoi spre casă, ia cu tine din acest loc orice lucru care ți‑a fost de folos.

Now available: Romanian translation of my book “Handbook of Therapeutic Storytelling”

TREI Cartea care te ajutá  or  Stefan Hammels shop.

Kind regards,


Seminars with Stefan Hammel in 2025

Here is an overview of the seminars, workshops, lectures and congresses with Stefan Hammel planned in 2025.

The Kaiserslautern seminars will take place “hybrid”, i.e. with physical AND digital participants. Feel free to ask!

Occasional events may still be added! Participant feedback on the video seminars can be found here!


March 04, 2025, 7-9 p.m.: Online, Zoom, free of charge: Online event “Hypnosystemic bag of tricks – everyday miracles in counseling, pastoral care and therapy” (every 1st Tuesday of the month)

March, 6.- 9, 2025: Kaiserslautern, hsb – Trainer seminar 3: TH – body language, multi-level communication, utilization

March, 14.- 15, 2025: Kaiserslautern, hsb – Hypnosystemic training, Therapeutic storytelling, Seminar 2: Writing good therapeutic stories – in 10 minutes & proven narrative structures

March, 27.- 30, 2025: Kassel, MEG Annual Conference 2025: Therapeutic greetings and other brief interventions in working with traumatized people (Info: www.meg-hypnose.de/veranstaltungen)

April, 1st, 2025, 7-9 pm: Online, Zoom, free of charge: Online event “Hypnosystemic bag of tricks – everyday miracles in counseling, pastoral care and therapy” (every 1st Tuesday of the month)

April, 11.- 12, 2025: Kaiserslautern, hsb – Hypnosystemic training, Therapeutic Storytelling, Seminar 3: The Island of Love – Maps and Landscapes in Individual, Couple and Family Therapy

May, 6th, 2025, 7-9 pm: Online, Zoom, free of charge: Online event “Hypnosystemic bag of tricks – everyday miracles in counseling, pastoral care and therapy” (every 1st Tuesday of the month)

May, 16.- 17, 2025: Kaiserslautern, hsb – Hypnosystemic training, Therapeutic Storytelling, Seminar 4: Therapeutic Greetings, Deals & Ordeals and other Brief Interventions

June, 3rd, 2025, 7-9 pm: Online, Zoom, free of charge: Online event “Hypnosystemic bag of tricks – everyday miracles in counseling, pastoral care and therapy” (every 1st Tuesday of the month)

June, 6.- 7, 2025: Kaiserslautern, hsb – Hypnosystemic training, Therapeutic Modeling, Seminar 1: Introduction to Therapeutic Modeling

June, 12-15, 2025: Kaiserslautern, hsb – Trainer seminar 4: TH – Thematic seminar: Addiction and eating disorders

July, 1st, 2025, 7-9 pm: Online, Zoom, free of charge: Online event “Hypnosystemic bag of tricks – everyday miracles in counseling, pastoral care and therapy” (every 1st Tuesday of the month)

July, 4.- 5, 2025: Kaiserslautern, hsb – Hypnosystemic training, Therapeutic Modeling, Seminar 2: Working with symbolic figures and fragmenting and transforming burdens

July, 24.- 25, 2025: Munich, SySt: The Sofa of Happiness – Therapeutic Modeling with Individuals and Couples

August, 5th, 2025, 7-9 pm: Online, Zoom, free of charge: Online event “Hypnosystemic bag of tricks – everyday miracles in counseling, pastoral care and therapy” (every 1st Tuesday of the month)

August, 29.- 30, 2025: Kaiserslautern, hsb – Hypnosystemic training, Therapeutic Modeling, Seminar 3: Transgenerational work and integration of real and fictitious persons from the client’s external world

September, 2nd, 2025, 7-9 pm: Online, Zoom, free of charge: Online event “Hypnosystemic bag of tricks – everyday miracles in counseling, pastoral care and therapy” (every 1st Tuesday of the month)

September, 4.- 7, 2025: Kaiserslautern, hsb – Trainer seminar 5: TE – Developing metaphors and stories

September, 19.- 20, 2025: Kaiserslautern, hsb – Hypnosystemic training, Therapeutic Modeling, Seminar 4: The Sofa of Happiness – Therapeutic Modeling in Couple and Family Therapy, with Teams and Groups

October, 7th, 2025, 7-9 pm: Online, Zoom, free of charge: Online event “Hypnosystemic bag of tricks – everyday miracles in counseling, pastoral care and therapy” (every 1st Tuesday of the month)

October, 10.- 12, 2025: Vallendar/ Rhine-Main area: 5th International Festival of Therapeutic Storytelling: Lecture and workshop, Therapeutic Greetings and other short interventions (Info: www.erzaehl-festival.de)

October, 17.- 18, 2025: Kaiserslautern, hsb – Hypnosystemic training, Therapeutic Hypnosis, Seminar 1: Trance Inductions and Trance Phenomena in Ericksonian Hypnotherapy

November, 4th, 2025, 7-9 pm: Online, Zoom, free of charge: Online event “Hypnosystemic bag of tricks – everyday miracles in counseling, pastoral care and therapy” (every 1st Tuesday of the month)

November, 6.-8, 2025,  Balsthal / Switzerland, SMSH annual conference: Tinnitus – Why it comes when it comes, why it stays when it stays, why it goes when it goes. (Info: www.smsh.ch)

November, 9th, 2025, Wuppertal, Bernd Isert Systemic Conference: Introduction to Therapeutic Modeling: (Systemische Tagung Bernd Isert): Einführung in das Therapeutische Modellieren (Info: www.nlp-ausbildungsinstitut.de)

November, 14.- 15, 2025: Kaiserslautern, hsb – Hypnosystemic training, Therapeutic Hypnosis, Seminar 2: Therapy Structure – Anamnesis – Utilization: Transforming Problems into Solutions

December, 2nd, 2025, 7-9 pm: Online, Zoom, free of charge: Online event “Hypnosystemic bag of tricks – everyday miracles in counseling, pastoral care and therapy” (every 1st Tuesday of the month)

December, 4.- 7, 2025: Kaiserslautern, hsb – Trainer seminar 6: TE – Therapeutic maps and landscapes

December, 12.- 13, 2025: Kaiserslautern, hsb – Hypnosystemic training, Therapeutic hypnosis, Seminar 3: Body language, voice and verbal implications (multi-level communication) 

Best regards from Kaiserslautern!


Kwiat z Wyspy

The story “The Island Flower” has been translated to Polish by Aleksandra Piatek (pronounced “Piontek”). Thank you Aleksandra!

Na małej wyspie pośrodku szerokiego oceanu wyrósł cudowny, złocisto-żółty kwiat. Nikt nie wiedział, jak się tam znalazł, ponieważ na wyspie nie było innych kwiatów tego rodzaju. Mewy przylatywały, aby z zachwytem przyjrzeć się temu cudowi. „Jest tak piękny jak słońce” – mówiły. „Jest tak piękny jak kawałek korala” – mówiły ryby. „Jest tak piękny jak perła na morskim dnie” – powiedział krab, który wyszedł na ląd, aby go obejrzeć. I prawie codziennie przybywały, by podziwiać ten kwiat.

Pewnego dnia, gdy znów przybyły, aby zobaczyć kwiat, odkryły, że złote płatki są brązowe i wysuszone. „Ojej” – powiedziały mewy, ryby i kraby. „Słońce zniszczyło nasz kwiat. Jak teraz możemy odświeżyć nasze serca?” Wszyscy byli smutni. Jednak kilka dni później, w miejscu kwiatu, pojawiła się cudowna, delikatna biała kula. „Co to jest?” – zapytały zwierzęta.

„Jest miękka jak chmura” – mówiły mewy. „Jest lekka jak morska bryza” – powiedziały ryby. „Jest delikatna jak blask słońca na piasku” – dodał krab. I wszyscy cieszyli się. Powiew wiatru porwał tę białą cudowność i rozrzucił ją po wyspie w tysiącach drobnych płatków. „Ojej” – westchnęły mewy, ryby i kraby. „Wiatr porwał naszą kulę. Co teraz rozweseli nasze dusze?” Wszyscy byli smutni.

Pewnego poranka, gdy słońce wschodziło nad morzem, setki, a nawet tysiące cudownych złocisto-żółtych kwiatów zakwitło w złotym porannym świetle. Mewy tańczyły na niebie, ryby w wodzie, a kraby tańczyły radośnie ze swoimi przyjaciółmi, i wszyscy byli szczęśliwi. (…)

(From: Stefan Hammel: The Blade of Grass in the Desert, impress 2012)

The book is available in my Onlineshop.

Kind regards, Stefan

The Frozen Hiccup

A short while ago I went to stay with some friends. When I was leaving, the hostess got a bad case of hiccups. “Look into my eyes for one minute and don’t blink,” I told her. “Thank you,” I said once the minute had passed. The hiccups had vanished.

https://pixabay.com/de/photos/auge-iris-suchen-fokus-gr%c3%bcnes-auge-1132531/ (28.3.2023)

“The Frozen Hiccup” illustrates another effective method of curing hiccups. The voluntary suppression of the blinking reflex acts as a kinaesthetic/figurative instruction to the subconscious to suppress the hiccupping reflex in the same way, with simultaneous distraction effects and the induction of a trance as an essentially symptom-free state. The trance is induced through eye fixation and cataleptic rigidity, and through overburdening with a challenging task. The intervention can also be used auto-suggestively as an exercise in front of the mirror. The intervention is based on one by Gerald Mozdzierz (Mozdzierz,1990).

(From: Stefan Hammel: Handbook of Therapeutic Storytelling. Sories and Metaphors in Psychotherapy, Child and Family Therapy, Medical Treatment, Coaching and Supervision, Routledge 2019)

Пътят до хижата (The way to the hut)

За този разказ дължа благодарност на Нели Цветкова, която го написа (по „истинска“ история, която преживя една приятелка).

I owe thanks for this story to Neli Tsvetkova who wrote it (after a “real” story which a friend experienced).

Двама младежи вървели из планината. Зад един завой видели поседнал на един камък дядо. Единият попитал :

  • Дядо, колко остава до хижата?

Старецът отвърнал само: – Оди, оди!

Младежът пак попитал: – Дядо, кажи де, колко е до хижата?

  • Оди, оди… – Било всичко, което мъжът отговорил.

Спогледали се двамата младежи и тръгнали отново по пътя.

След няколко минути чули старецът да се провиква зад тях – Kато ви гледам как одите, до хижата са 4 часа! 

The way to the hut

Two young men were hiking in the mountains. Round a corner they saw an old man sitting on a stone. One asked:
– Grandpa, how much is there left to the hut?
The old man only replied: – Walk, walk…
The young man asked again : – Grandfather, please tell me, how far is it to the hut?
– Walk, walk… Was all the man replied.
The two young men exchanged glances and set off on the road again.
After a few minutes, they heard the old man yell behind them – “Seeing how you walk, it’s 4 hours to the hut! 

Kind regards,


“Hammel Digital” – AI assistant for utilization and supervision

I asked an AI developer to build me a chatbot with offers for therapeutic interventions based on my manual for therapeutic utilization, among other things.

The prototype has been refined and improved over the last few months.

You can find the AI assistant for Utilization and Supervision embedded in my

🔗 Blog.

If you feel like it, you can play around with it (e.g. ask: “my client suffers from moth phobia and tinnitus, how can I help her therapeutically / do you have a story I can tell her) and write me what positive / negative experiences you have had with it and what you think should be improved.

The AI also works if you speak to him in other languages.

I look forward to your feedback 📧.

Your Stefan

Koń i Jeździec

I owe thanks to Aleksandra Piatek for translating the story “Horse and Rider”.

Obserwowałam jeźdźca trenującego konia. Kobieta była niska i delikatna. Wałach, na którym jeździła, był pełen energii. W każdej chwili mógłby ją zrzucić, ale nie o to tu chodziło. Dwie dusze zmagały się ze sobą. „Kto prowadzi?” – to pytanie unosiło się w powietrzu. Kobieta nie spieszyła się z koniem. Chciała go ujarzmić, ale nie złamać jego ducha. Pragnęła jego szacunku i zaufania. Ostatecznie wygrała ten pojedynek i wierzę, że oboje byli szczęśliwi.

(From: Stefan Hammel: The Blade of Grass in the Desert, impress 2012)

The book is available in my Onlineshop.

Kind regards, Stefan

Mașini cu aburi

I am happy to present another story in Romanian, taken from the Romanian translation of my “Handbook of Therapeutic Storytelling”

source: https://pixabay.com/de/photos/dampfmaschine-gl%c3%a4nzen-metall-4444614/ (27.2.2023)

Pentru mulți oameni mașinile cu aburi exercită o deosebită fascinație. Aceste mașini sunt deosebit de atractive atât pentru tineri, cât și pentru bătrâni. Dar când ai un obiect atât de prețios, este foarte important să știi să îl manevrezi. Cel mai important lucru la un motor cu aburi este reglarea presiunii. Este esențial ca supapa de presiune să se deschidă suficient de devreme pentru a asigura eliberarea în totalitate a excesului de presiune.
De asemenea, este important ca astfel de mașini, în special dacă sunt mai vechi, să nu se supraîncălzească. Este necesar ca ele să se odihnească uneori, să fie bine unse și întreținute tehnic.
Numai amatorii supraîncălzesc o astfel de mașină — aceasta este o gravă eroare. Un tehnician bun știe de ce are nevoie prețiosul său obiect. El își lasă întotdeauna mașina să funcționeze la presiune medie.1

Now available: Romanian translation of my book “Handbook of Therapeutic Storytelling”

TREI Cartea care te ajutá  or  Stefan Hammels shop.

Kind regards,


Margaret i Lucy

The story “Margaret and Lucy” has been translated to Polish by Aleksandra Piatek (pronounced “Piontek”). Thank you Aleksandra!

Kiedyś w małej szczelinie między kamieniami muru mieszkały dwie jaszczurki. Nazywały się Margaret i Lucy. Lucy leżała na murze cały dzień, wygrzewając się na słońcu. Margaret większość czasu spędzała, polując na owady dla siebie i swoich dzieci. Czuła irytację, gdy widziała Lucy na murze.

„Jak możesz tak marnować czas! Gdybyś była porządną jaszczurką, zajmowałabyś się swoimi dziećmi. Co ty tam robisz cały dzień?” – zapytała. Oczy Lucy zalśniły, a ona odpowiedziała: „Zbieram energię. Widzisz, robię coś dla moich dzieci”.

„Widzę to inaczej” – burknęła Margaret. „I poza tym, nie zdziwię się, jeśli pewnego dnia jakiś myszołów albo jastrząb porwie cię z tego muru”. „Zobaczymy” – odparła Lucy, wyciągając się na słońcu.

Margaret wolała spędzać czas, ścigając mrówki. W ostatnich dniach wyglądała na wyczerpaną. Czasami jej życie było zagrożone: brakowało jej zwinności potrzebnej, aby uciec przed łasicą czy kotem.

Dzieci Lucy jednak stały się silne i szybkie, jak ich matka. Wkrótce łapały największe pająki, najszybsze biegnące żuki, a nawet ogromne ważki. Ich ulubionym zajęciem było jednak leżenie na murze i wyciąganie się w słońcu.

(From: Stefan Hammel: The Blade of Grass in the Desert, impress 2012)

The book is available in my Onlineshop.

Kind regards, Stefan

Placebo II

I am happy to present another story in Romanian, taken from the Romanian translation of my “Handbook of Therapeutic Storytelling”

source: https://pixabay.com/de/photos/natur-wasser-blau-stimmung-203939/ (27.2.2023)

— De multe ori am picioarele reci ca gheața, a spus unul dintre ei. De aceea răcesc atât de des. Obișnuiam să fac odinioară tratamente Kneipp. Asta m‑a ajutat. Dar nu pot face tratamente Kneipp oriunde.
— Vreau să‑ți spun un secret, a spus celălalt. Chiar și doar imaginându‑ți intens tratamentele Kneipp, ele vor funcționa.

Now available: Romanian translation of my book “Handbook of Therapeutic Storytelling”

TREI Cartea care te ajutá  or  Stefan Hammels shop.

Kind regards,
